Sasquatch Highway Sighting!

Aug 27, 2016 – Last night past 9pm I left my cabin to head up to the local tavern in Greenwater for a quiet drink. As I rounded the corner, I spotted a friend of mine, Jim, riding his bike frantically in the opposite direction. Both of us suddenly stopped and, after rolling my window down, I could see he was visibly shaken about something.

“Sam! I was heading toward your place! You need to come up to the tavern quickly! There’s this guy that’s visibly upset…”

My first thought was, is there some kind of crazy person starting something at the bar? Why would Jim ask me to walk into a bad situation like that? I asked Jim to explain further about what was happening. He proceeded to tell me that this guy was driving back from Enumclaw and saw something large walk right across the highway in front of his car. Jim turns his bike around to head back, “You need to talk with him as soon as you get there!”

As I pull into the tavern parking area next to the front door, I can already tell which person Jim was referring to. He was the one guy that everyone else was fixated on as I could hear him say “and it was this tall and walked in three steps across the highway…” I sat next to him and introduced myself as one of the two local Bigfoot researchers in the area. This fellow, we shall call Greg, was seated between me and Jim as I now asked for Greg’s account of what happened.

Greg goes on to relate that he, just 45 minutes earlier, was driving back from town to his campsite a few miles past Greenwater. It was already dark as he was rounding the bend past Federation Forest and, along a short stretch parallel to the White River, he immediately saw a very large, upright hairy brownish/gray creature walking across the highway right in front of him. Greg was able to get a good look due to his car’s headlights as he continues to describe the creature: it had very long arms that hung down close to its knees, very broad shoulders, a head with no visible neck area, the legs were very large and muscular and, as it turned to look straight at Greg, had a very dark face with no apparent nose and bright, shining red eyes.

The other impressive thing Greg mentioned was that, as the creature walked across the road, it was able to do so in three steps. The first step was on the edge of the road’s white line from the White River side, the second step with it’s other leg was able to reach past the double yellow line in the middle and the final step was well past the other side as it disappeared into the forest.

Greg was so shaken up that he swerved and stopped his car in the middle of Hwy 410 with the high beams pointed into the forest, got out and started running after it. However, he was unable to see any sign of it but a thicket of trees. He returned to his car and drove to the tavern just one mile away to tell someone… anyone… about his harrowing  experience.

So the story picks up with Jim hearing Greg’s story with others listening with interest, some, of course, being skeptical. The locals that have been here a while, by and large, have really come around to believing the Sasquatch do, in fact, exist. They are the ones who were less skeptical and were actually a bit jealous that it wasn’t them that saw this wonderful sight! After I arrived to talk with Greg, I further reinforced the reality of Sasquatch with all present with my own personal experiences and reassured Greg was not mentally short of a few working cylinders. Probably the most awestruck was Jim since I had been showing him real evidence for some time and he was ready for hearing this kind of experience!

After I finished a good couple of shots of whiskey, I requested that Greg take me and Jim out to the exact spot where he saw the big guy. Riding in his car, Greg drove to the bend of the road, turned around and headed slowly back along the White River embankment. Not being a very safe place to be on this stretch of highway especially at night, he pulled over to what little bit of shoulder we could and indicated that this was the spot. He very briefly turned the car sideways again to shine the headlights into the trees but there was too much traffic to warrant doing that safely so we headed back to the tavern. Once back, I talked with Greg for a few minutes before he left for his campsite.

Jim was still stoked by all this excitement and wanted to go up the trail in the dark towards the Field of Dreams to see if any activity would be present. [Note: there are just a handful of people that know where this is and though I will talk about it, I will never publicly reveal the exact location] I asked Jim to hold up and wait for me to drive down to the trail head so we could go up there together. I haven’t had a chance to go up into the Field of Dreams at night since doing so with Barb Shupe and was looking forward to whatever Bigfoot activity might place. I can tell you that we were not disappointed and will the subject of my next blog entry!

Earlier today, I drove back to the spot of the sighting but parked my car in a safer turnoff nearby. I walked along the river embankment to see if there were any signs of foot prints or other evidence. Most of this embankment is very steep with large boulders set in place to prevent flooding of the highway during heavy rains. I did come to a spot where the ground looked like it had foot traffic with pressed in areas in the sand and rock as shown in this photo:


In the next photo, one can see that there is a disturbance of the ground with loosen rocks and gravel that form a short path down into the river. A large tree trunk just so happens to be embedded into the rocks below allowing someone or something to comfortably sit there right on the river:


Across the road from this spot there just so happens to be a trail leading into the forest:


I walked into this area and it reveals a wide path that goes up the hill:


So my best guess conclusion is this: The Sasquatch has a favorite spot he/she likes to hang out with the jammed in log being a convenient place to sit and observe the river and possible fish from. The trail across the road allows the Sasquatch to quickly make its way out the river area and up the hill. Based on how worn this path is I would say that several clan members come this way for a river visit.

The only question I ask myself is, since the Sasquatch are completely aware of when cars are coming and will normally wait until traffic dies down to make their way out unseen, why, this time, did the Sasquatch cross the road in front of Greg to be fully seen? Was it meant for Greg to have this sighting and for his benefit? I’m starting to believe that there are no coincidences when it comes to the Sasquatch as I found out that Greg is also a friend of John who had been camping in the woods nearby.  John who… one may ask? John, the very same person whom I had the fortune of witnessing his awesome ability of mentally manipulating a UFO (detailed in my book) and who personally knows our small group of Bigfoot enthusiasts, the Greenwater Squatchers!

With each passing day the events get stranger and stranger… and I’m loving every minute of it!

Aug 28, 2016 – Update: I had a chance to talk with Greg again last night. I originally referred to him as Greg out of privacy concerns but he said it was fine to let everyone know his name is actually George. I obtained some more detail from his account as follows:

After he swerved his car sideways and jumped out with his flashlight, there were two other cars coming in opposite directions that had to stop due to George’s car blocking the road. The driver of the car heading in the opposite direction of George got out and made the statement “Do I just see what I thought I saw?” So it was just not George who saw the Sasquatch so hopefully through social circles this other person will talk about this account.

The other important thing that George told me was that the Sasquatch made his 7 foot tall relative look like a little kid in comparison. I wanted to come up with a method to determine the actual height of the Sasquatch using the information George provided with regards to the length of its stride. According to George, the creature was able to walk with three steps and easily cross the length of the highway. Not taking a chance of trying to measure the length of Hwy 410 due to traffic, I was able to look up the standard minimum length of one highway lane to be around 12 ft. That means the Sasquatch foot to foot stride was at least this length. I was also able to look up the average human adult foot to foot stride to be approximately 32 inches. However, to make the calculation easier I rounded that up to 36″ or 3 feet. Therefore, using a ratio of the human stride compared to this Sasquatch, I was able to determine that it had a stride 4 times the length of what a human normally could do. If that ratio held true to represent height then the Sasquatch would be four times the height of a 6 ft tall human or 24 ft. Of course I did not factor in the difference in leg lengths between humans and Sasquatch so I can imagine that 24 ft would be the absolute maximum height if the leg lengths were the same ratio to the rest of the body. If the Sasquatch legs were almost twice as long as a human on average then our calculation of the ratio would change to roughly half that size to around 12 ft which would, in my opinion, would have been the absolute minimum height. So an average height of 15 to 18 ft is not unreasonable.

22 thoughts on “Sasquatch Highway Sighting!”

  1. No coincidences in anything! A small world when you connect the dots. His sighting may have been for him or for the benefit of a larger audience that hear his story. What an exciting time!


      1. Sounds like my encounter, every bit except mine was carrying a black trash bag and I could smell it after he walked across the road. We stared at each other for at least forty seconds at twenty feet away. My 14 year old daughter at the time asked if it were a gorilla.


    1. I live in Enumclaw and have always been facinated with stories of big foot.

      I didn’t know we had a group around here. I’d love to go searching one weekend with people. I have my camera, and would love to photograph one.

      Sheesh, it would be awesome just to spend time in the outdoors watching the scenery


      1. I too would love to go sqyatching. I am up in the Greenwater area and up lots of the mountain roads all over there several times a week!
        I’ve heard and seen a few odd things and not sure what they are as the sounds were not anything I’m familiar with.


  2. I grew up in enumclaw and I am an avid Hunter I swear I have seen tracks on the 73 road looked like huge barefoot prints


  3. I would appreciate if anyone with stories or pictures would contact me at

    I live in Enumclaw and have a family member who will be coming out next summer to film a short story on the Big Foot activity in the area. We would like to get interviews and footage of areas Big Foot as been spotted. PLEASE email me and get me your contact info and stories. pass along this info to anyone in the area that has ANYTHING we can use for the documentary.


  4. When I was about 9 years old I saw one,,,I didn’t even know what a Bigfoot was I thought it was a very large bear waking on his hind legs,,,well it wasn’t,,,Elma Washington..


  5. Wow I had no idea their were researchers and stuff going on in green water, that’s awesome. Makes me want to stop in and start exploring! Go through there all the time for hiking trips.


  6. I’m in Buckley, what a great place we all live in! nice to see GW folk as well as Enumclaw. The Sasquatch exist and they’re in our own backyards folks, that’s just the reality of it!


  7. I believe we had an encounter tonight in Greenwater off road 75.
    I have copied and pasted my FB post below.

    Ok. This is not a Facebook joke.
    Corey and I had a very strange experience in the woods tonight. I know this sounds completely crazy. But it is what it is.
    We drove up to scout for elk. Parked and started walking. Just a few yards from the truck we both smell a very strong musky odor. It was not a smell we have ever smelled before….not in the woods or anywhere for that matter. We continued on and a little ways down the trail we smell it again. We stopped and talked about the strange smell. Wondering what it was, I began grabbing nearby weeds and bushes wondering if a plant was emitting this strong odor. Nothing seemed to be the culprit so we continued. We walked out to the edge of a ridge and Corey set up his scope. He was glassing the distant clear cuts and I was wandering around a little. I stopped and leaned on a big rock. I could clearly see Corey about 50 yards from me. Suddenly a large rock comes crashing down from an upper ridge to our right less than 100 yards away. It made quite a impression on us. It was loud and had some decent momentum. Corey looked at me with a very puzzled look and we both looked at the ridge then at each over and over several times.
    We decided to leave soon after and immediately smelled the very strong musky odor again, this time at the edge of the ridge. We kept walking back and when we neared the truck the musky smell returned and this time it was quite overpowering.
    It seems like whatever was emitting the smell followed us out to the ridge and then followed us back to the truck. We cannot explain the rock… Corey won’t let me tag him in this. Lol
    We are a little weirded out…there is a reasonable explanation right?


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